1.” Education is the manifestation divine perfection already existing in man.” Who said this ?
a) Gandhi b) Vivekananda
c) Kautilya d) Tagore
Ans: Vivekananda
2. An example of non-formal education ?
a) Family b) School
c) Universities d) all of the above
Ans: Family
3. The supreme aim of education in idealism is ?
a) Freedom b) Eternal values
c) Self realization d) None of these
Ans: Self realization
4. “By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in child and man, body, mind and spirit.” Who said this ?
a) John Dewey b) Gandhi
c) Vivekananda d) Aurobindo
Ans: Gandhi
5. Kilpatrick is one of the exponents of ………..
a) Idealism b) Naturalism
c) Pragmatism d) Realism
Ans : Pragmatism
6. Preparing the child for a real life is the main aim of …………….
a) Naturalism b) Idealism
c) Pragmatism d) Realism
Ans : Realism
7. The process in which members of one cultural group adopt the believes and behavior of another group is called?
a) Enculturation b) Acculturation
c) Cultural lag d) Cultural inertia
Ans : Acculturation
8. The word secularism is derived from which word ?
a) Secular b) Saeculum
c) Sacum d) Saecus
Ans : Saeculum
9. A change in the lifestyle of a group of community is
believes and behavior of another group is called?
a) Social change b) Cultural change
c) Civilizational change d) None of these
Ans : Social change
10. The ability to critically perceive the pulse of social, political and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive
elements of society is termed as ………………………
a) Conscientization b) Civilization
c) Constructivism d) Urbanization
Ans : Conscientization
11.Education is _process?
A.Bipolar B.Tripolar C.Unipolar D.None
12.Father of philosophy?
A.socratees B.Plato C.Aristotle D.Erasmus
13.Who started the newspaper Bande Mataram?
A.Gandhiji B.Aravindo Ghosh
C.Gokhale D.Tagore
Ans:Aravindo Ghosh
14.Kintergarden' method was introduced by?
A.Forebell B.Montessori
C.plato D.Tagore
15.Pragmatism is derived from the word _?
A.prag B.pragma
C.prayer D.pragment
16. Name the school of philosophy known as practical philosophy?
A.Humanism B.Idealism
C.pragmatism D.Realism
17.The method of Socrates was called?
A.Socratic discourse B.Reasoning way method
D.project method
Ans: Socratic discourse
18.Who is the favorite of educational philosophy?
A.Thomas more B.william James C.carl Roger D.Bertand Russel
Ans: William James
19.The concept of Negative education was introduced by _?
A.socrates B.plato C.Rousseau D.Erasmus
20.Who is the father of pragmatic Philosophy?
A.John Dewey B.Charles Sanders pierce
C.pestalozzi D.Immanuel kant
Ans:Charles Sanders pierce
21.Who is the proponent of liberalism and follower of realism?
A.protagores B.Erasmus
C.Thomas more D.John Locke
Ans:John Locke
22.Which school of philosophy preferred teacher centered methods?
A.Realism B.Humanism
C.Idealism D.Pragmatism
23.Slogan of Naturalism is -?
A.Liberation through education
B.Back to Nature
C.Self realization
D.Human centered
Ans:Back to Nature
24.Herbert Spencer is advocated with which school of thought?
A.Naturalism B.Humanism
C.Idealism C.Pragmatism
25.Realism is derived from the word ?
Ans: Realists
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