1. The application of science to the needs of man and society is termed as ……
a) Hardware b) Software
c) Technology d) None of these
Ans : Technology
2. The combination of text, graphics, sound, animation etc are called ………..
a) Hardware approach b) Software approach
c) Multimedia approach d) Visual aid
Ans : Multimedia approach
3. Cone of experienced was developed by ……………
a) Robert a cox b) I K Davies
c) Edgar Dale d) Robert M Gagne
Ans : Edgar Dale
4. Expansion of CIET is ………………
a) Centre Institute of Educational Training
b) Centre of Educational Institution
c) Centre Institute of Educational Technology
d) Central Institutional Education of Technology
Ans : Centre Institute of Educational Technology
5. The process of exchanging information usually via a common protocol is
termed as ………………
a) Implication b) Communication
c) Manipulation d) Presentation
Ans: Communication
6. The posting of journal-like pages to a website is termed as……………
a) Online forums b) Chat
c) e-mail d) Blogging
Ans : Blogging
7. Trojan horse is an example of ………………
a) Software b) Application
c) Virus d) All of the above
Ans: Virus
8. In which section is deals with the hacking of the computer system ?
a) Sec – 68 b) Sec – 69
c) Sec – 65 d) Sec – 66
Ans : Sec – 66
9. Breaking into computer systems is termed as ……………
a) Cyber bullying b) Messaging
c) Blogging d) Hacking
Ans: Hacking
10. Who develops the first wiki software wikiwikiweb ?
a) Tim Berners lee b) Michel Serivan
c) Word Cunningham d) Robert A Cox
Ans : Word Cunningham
11. Portrayal of sexual acts for the purpose of sexual excitement is known as:
a)Defamation b)Snooping c)Pornography d)Cracking
Ans : Pornography
12. Attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer is known as:
a)Virus b)Hacking c)Malicious codes d)Bullying
Ans : Hacking
13. The person who defined the term computer virus?
a)Fred cohen b)Salil parekh c)Marie d)Farooq Alvi
Ans : Fred cohen
14. Any code in any part of a software system or script that is intended to cause undesired effects is known as:
a)Defamation b)Snooping c)Pornography d)Virus
Ans : Virus
15.Full form of Virus is?
Virtual Information Resource Under Seize
16. Example a type of communication service that enables you to create a kind of private chat room?
a)Defamation b)Snooping c)Instant messaging d)Cracking
Ans : Instant messaging
17. Create special effect in motion pictures and animation that change is known as:
a)Defamation b)Adware c)Morphing d)Cracking
Ans : Morphing
18. Slang term used to describe online harassment is known as:
a)Defamation b)Snooping c)Pornography d)Cyber Bullying
Ans : Cyber Bullying
19. A type of malware that spreads copies of itself from computer to computer is known as:
a)Worms b)Adware c)Morphing d)Cracking
Ans : Worms
20. Any malware which misleads users of its true intent is known as:
a)Worms b)Adware c)Morphing d)Trojan
Ans : Trojan
21. Informations passes through a number of persons like a chain is called which type of informal communication?
(a) Single strand chain
(b) Gossip chain
(c) Probability chain
(d) Cluster chain
Ans : Single strand chain
22. Which of the following is not the other names of one way communication?
(a) Top to bottom communication
(b) Linear communication
(c) Horizontal communication
(d) Bottom to communication
Ans : Bottom to communication
23. Which type of communication takes place between person holding the same rank or position?
(a) One way communication
(b) Two way communication
(c) Horizontal communication
(d) Vertical communication
Ans : Horizontal communication
24. Which one of the most slower type of communication?
(a) Formal communication
(b) Informal communication
(c) one way communication
(d) Two way communication
Ans : Two way communication
25. Personal computer is also known as,
(a) Mainframe computer
(b) Mini computer
(c) Super computer
(d) Micro computer
Ans : Mini computer
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