EDU 09 - 10 CURRICULUM AND RESOURCES IN DIGITAL ERA :Social science education
1.A curriculum is the sum total of a school's influence a child's
a. Personality b. Attitude
c. Behaviour d. Action
Ans : c
2. How many basic components of curriculum have
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
Ans : b
3. Which one is not the component of the curriculum.
a. Design b. Contents
c. Objectives d. Evaluation
Ans : a
4. Curriculum provides guidance for
a. School b. Parents
c. Teacher d. Students
Ans : d
5. Syllabus is a part of
a. Society b. Class room
c. Curriculum d. Activities
Ans : c
6. Teacher as per NCF2005 is a
a. Boss b. Leader
c. Facilitator d. All the above
Ans : c
7. Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by
a. Objective b. Design
c. Method d. Evaluation
Ans : d
8. NCF Proposes the evaluation system should be based on
a. Marks b. Grades
c Both Marks and Grades
d. None of the above
Ans : b
9. The method used to evaluate the curriculum is
a. Formative Evaluation
b. Summative Evaluation
c. Diagnostic Evaluation
d. a, b& c
Ans : d
10. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum.
a. Designing b. Implementing
c. Evaluating d. All above
Ans: d
11.NUEPA is concerned with
a. Educational evaluation b. Educational planning
c. Educational supervision d. Educational activity
Ans: b
12. What is the name of Yashpal commite report(1993)?
a. ICT in teacher education b. Learning through broadcasting
c. Learning without burden d. None of the above
13. Authoritarian level teaching is
a. Child centered b. Experienced based
c. Headmaster centered d. Teacher centered
Ans: d
14. Sucess of inclusive education depends on ---------------
a. Community support b. Attitudinal change among teachers
c. High quality teaching learning material d. High quality textbook
15. Behavioursim helped make psychology a----------------------
a. fad b. Science
c. Speciality d. Behavior
16. Curriculum provides guidance for
a. School b. Parents
c. Teachers d. Students
17. Syllabus is a part of
a. Society b. Classroom
c. Curriculum d. Activities
18. Curriculum is
a. Course b. Syllabus
c. Co-curricular activities d. over all activities of an institution
19. Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the
a. Education b. Objectives
c. values d. job
20. Teacher as per NCF 2005 is a
a. Boss b.Leader
c. Facilitator d.All of the above
21.A strategy that fosters continuous unbroken learning of the
subject matter is known as ?
a) Spiral Approach b) Correlation
c) Topic Apprach d) Unit approach
Ans : Spiral Approach
22. Expansion of NCF
a) National Committee Framework
b) National Curriculum Federation
c) National curriculum Framework
d) None of the above
Ans : National curriculum Framework
23. There are ............. type of utilizing the community resources.
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
Ans : 3
24. Expansion Of LMS
a) Learning Management Studies
b) Learning Management System
c) Low of management system
d) None of these
Ans : Learning Management System
25. Downloading and uploading audio content for educational
purpose is known as .....................
a) Pod-casting b) Broadcasting
c) YouTube d) Web Resources
Ans : Pod-casting
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